


This feels like a lifetime ago but I still get questions on how I lived in Australia after college! The answer is a working holiday visa (I did a tourist visa too because I wanted to stay longer).  In this post I’ll go through how to get a working holiday visa, traveling the coast of Australia, and how I found work/housing etc. I backpacked for a little over 2 months and fell in love with Sydney along the way, so that’s where I ended up settling down. My experiences below are based off Sydney in 2016 but I would imagine most cities would be similar.

Working holiday visa (Subclass 417) is available in Australia for young adults who want an extended holiday in Australia and want to work there to fund it. It is for people 18-30 years old (or 35 for some countries) and can now be extended 3 times! I am from the United States so the age limit for us is 30.

I spent 2 months traveling the east coast of Australia on a Greyhound, starting in Melbourne and ending at the Great Barrier Reef in Cairns! I’m not sure I would travel this way today but for the early 20’s traveler this is by far the most flexible and affordable way to travel. I recommend buying the Greyhound WHIMIT pass where you have 12 months to begin your trip and get unlimited travel back and forth along Australia’s East Coast. They offer 68 stops between Melbourne and Cairns and you just login to your Greyhound account to book the next portion of your trip when you’re ready. Like I said SO FLEXIBLE. They have free wi-fi and USB chargers, and decently comfy seats for sleeping on overnight trips… they don’t lean fully back but it’s a little better than an airplane seat.

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